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Saturday, January 22, 2011

My First Blog

So, this is my first blog.

You'd think I'd need some sort of license or something.  Maybe at the very least - a state issued typing test, but...no.  All I needed was access to a computer and to the internet and all of a sudden...I'm bloggin'.  I almost feel a sense of pride sitting here at my computer.

Could this be how reporters feel?  A reporter feeling the pressure of a deadline and a huge story on the line.

Perhaps this is how authors feel in front of their technology of choice...Or maybe not.

I could almost feel pride, but then I remember - This is a free blog that will not yield any income nor is it that have I earned my place in front of this screen.  I'm just a guy in his dining room.

I might as well be typing on my "pretend" computer.  If this were my "pretend" computer...it'd be nicer.  It would probably have a huge screen and it would be super fast of course.  I'd also have something to drink right now - I'm kind of thirsty.

But its not pretend.  One thing is true, however, at this point I don't actually have an audience.

In fact, no one has even read this yet.

The only reason that I am doing a blog now is because my sister asked me to.  So at least she should read it.  I think I'll give here a quiz later.  Maybe weekly.

Maybe she's "pretend" too.

So, this was my first blog.  I'll probably type something on here occasionally.  I might even plan out what I'll say next time.  But even if I don't...it's not like anyone will read this.



  1. I will pretend to read all your blog's and pretend they are profound. Love, Dad

  2. Since I'm reading your pretend blog, does that mean I only exist in your pretend world? Are the grass and trees real?

  3. i have a new addictive behavior - checking Blog Stats on my blog! There - confessed! can i get sprinkled or something, please? Thanks.
