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Monday, April 18, 2011

Me and My Dentist

I had a Dental appointment recently and it made me think . . . I don’t believe we “cram” for any other medical professional like we do the dentist.
Ok - I’m for real here.  At the risk of sounding like one without good personal hygiene - I always brush with a little more purpose before going to the Dentist.  Don’t pretend that you don’t do the same.  It’s not like I’m a slacker the rest of the time.  But in those fateful days and hours leading up to the Dental visit, I am all about the brushin’ and flossin’.
I don’t think I’d be advised to brush and floss 12 times a day.  It just seems like wasted opportunity if I don’t.  I know that I can’t really ‘make up for lost time’, but I give it a good shot.
There is something about going to the Dentist that makes me look for approval.  Some kind of medical “pat on the back.”  I’m not sure why, but this is only the case with the dentist.  
I envision the Dental Hyginst remarking about how clean my teeth are.  I envision her calling the other hygienists in for some type of a brag session.  I would defer praise of course...saying something about how we are all just a team and that it couldn’t do it without the help of these wonderful professionals. 
It would be false humility, but I think I could sell it.
When the Dentist finally arrives, he should be in awe.  I want him to say something like, “Well, I don’t know what I’m doing here...These teeth are perfect!”
I don’t have any of these thoughts when it comes to my Eye Doctor.  I promise you - I don’t have a rogue eye chart that I run through in my basement before I go for an eye exam.  It is what it is and I’ll see what I see.  No craming.  No quick tutorial before the appointment.
My Ear, Nose and Throat guy doesn’t even cross my mind one time before I go see him.  Seriously, I’m not driving around town with the radio turned real low just to see if I can hear it.
I just don’t know what it is about the Dentist.  Maybe its that I’m going to see him twice a year no matter what.  That certainly brings about some sort of relationship.  In fact, every other time I see him . . . its our anniversary.  Too creepy?  Ok, that’s a little much.  He does send me cards though...
Could it be the bag of goodies that he gives me each time we visit?  No one else offers such treats after every visit.  Do I use the toothbrush he gives me?  No.  I’ve got an electric, but I appreciate the thought.  My ENT doesn’t give me headphones.  My eye doctor does give me contacts . . . but I pay dearly for those.
Whatever the reason - I aim to please this medical professional.  Still not sure why, but I try.  As I have reflected on this today, I have come to at least two conclusions:  1)  I’m a freak. (That may already be a given)  2)  There’s no way that you don’t do the same medical craming when it comes to the Dentist!
I appreciate you stopping by each week to read my wierd thoughts.  Thanks.  I hope you’ve had a laugh or two.

1 comment:

  1. That is so funny that you are talking about the dentist- I have had some work done- these pearly whites- my straight as an arrow grill has officially been tainted with two cavities, one rootcanal- a crown that I am chomping at the bit( no pun intended) to receive next week.. I literaly have been scarred- my teeth- my pride and joy- as I’m leaving you this message - I am thinking about my dear husband who calls my crownless tooth a nub- I look like I have a great front- but a kids tooth on the back left-- talk about cramming- your right- I wasn’t prepared for this.. Kinda like CNC days- where I would roll out of bed- put on my flannel- cause I was so outdoorsy.. and head to class- unprepared- looks like I failed... peace...
