Recently, I had the good fortune of being in the same room as a chocolate fountain. That’s right - silky smooth chocolate cascading down, what seemed like, a 30 foot silver alter.
I dipped strawberries, bananas and other goodies into the chocolate. My friends and I joked that at least we were eating fruit along with the chocolate. It’s not like we were just eating chocolate! Let’s be honest though, its not like we were just eating fruit either!
This got me thinking about my eating habits. I like to run and work out. I try to stay in shape and making healthy food choices is part of that. I’m afraid though, that I’ve put my finger on a weak area in my eating habits. Similar to the fruit and chocolate - I often find ways to mix healthy choices with unhealthy ones.
Broccoli is obviously a great choice. It seems that everytime I eat broccoli, however, I add a pound of cheese to go with it. I’m not a Nutritionist, but I don’t think I’m taking full advantage of the benefits of broccoli when its saturated in processed cheese. Raw broccoli is supposed to be great for you, but come on...that's just nasty.
A nice healthy salad is something that no one could argue with, right? Well, many could argue with the way that I consume this healthy staple. Its the dressing...and the cheese...and the bacon...croutons...and don’t forget the eggs and fried chicken. By the time I am finished - I’ve basically got a lot of junk and 3 pieces of lettuce. Another fail.
Unfortunately, this trend doesn’t happen in reverse for me. I’m never eating m&m’s and think, “This could really use some fruit.” Smelling bacon being cooked doesn’t make me long for spinach...or an apple. I have never, I repeat - Never, have I been eating a candy bar and then reached for cauliflower and asparagus to go with it. If I start out with a healthy choice, I've got a decent chance of finishing well. If I start with a bad choice...there exists no opportunity of redemption. It seems that healthy foods are the last thing on my mind when I'm knee deep in an M&M's bag.
If I’m eating carrotts and they just taste a bit “off”, I stop eating. Why would I continue? If I’m eating cookies and they just taste a bit “off”, I keep eating. Why would I waste a cookie. When I finish the cookie I may say, “That cookie wasn’t very good!” At least I gave it a shot though, right?
Well, you can see where my eating plan takes a hit.
Back to that chocolate you know what would absolutely be the best thing to dip into the chocolate? A chocolate candy bar. (And not a “fun size” bar either...see previous blog post) Chocolate on chocolate...doesn’t get any better.
Here’s to chocolate. Here’s to holding to a great eating plan. And here’s to hoping that you enjoyed reading.
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